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Adding a subscribe widget to your website
Adding a subscribe widget to your website

Find out how to collect subscribers from your property's website directly into Guest Engagement's subscriber list

Updated over a week ago

Most hotels offer people the chance to become subscribers on their website, and we are happy to inform you that you can do the same thing with Guest Engagement.

Go to Campaigns > Widget to get started.

You can see a preview of what the signup widget will look like. You can choose the colour of the Subscribe button and the colour of the text. Note that the colour you select for the button is only shown once you put a valid email address in the text box, as shown in the screenshot above.

Once you are happy with the look and feel, copy the automatically-generated code on the right hand side. You will need to insert that code into the place you want the widget to appear on your website.

You can also change the formatting and styling of the widget yourself, or even elect to not include CSS code so that the widget inherits the styles from your website (where applicable).

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